Brandi Summers & Tiffani Wise: Part 2

When his wife, Beverly Wise was murdered in their San Bernardino, California home in 1977 and their two oldest children were kidnapped, Claude Wise feared that he would never see them again. But two years later, in 1979, detectives told him that they believed his children were still alive. In fact, their investigation would reveal that the children had been hiding in plain sight: eating out in restaurants, and attending Sunday School. But despite multiple arrests, and the lengthiest and most expensive trial in San Bernardino’s history, Brandi Summers and Tiffany Wise’s whereabouts remain unknown, over 40 years later. Claude Wise and his youngest daughter Stacy are still searching, and they believe that there are many people who are still alive who hold the answers to this mystery.




Johnny Gosch: Part 1


Brandi Summers & Tiffani Wise: Part 1