Alexis Patterson: Part 1
You may know her as “the other missing girl.” On May 3, 2002, seven-year-old Alexis Patterson walked the half a block to Hi-Mount Elementary School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, accompanied by her step-father, LaRon Bourgeois. LaRon left Alexis at the crosswalk, as the crossing guard accompanied her across the street to school. But when the final bell rang that afternoon, Alexis Patterson wasn’t among the children to rush out of school and head home. She was never seen again. While the little girl’s disappearance was big news in Milwaukee, the news was soon overshadowed by that of another missing girl: Elizabeth Smart. Elizabeth was found nine months after her abduction, but Alexis remains missing 20 years later.
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Alexis Patterson, please call the Milwaukee Police Department at 414-935-7401. You can also contact the Milwaukee Field Office of the FBI at 414-276-4684 or the Milwaukee Police Department Cold Case Hotline at 414-935-1212.
Si tiene alguna información sobre la desaparición de Alexis Patterson, llame al Departamento de Policía de Milwaukee al 414-935-7401. También puede comunicarse con la oficina local del FBI en Milwaukee al 414-276-4684 o con la línea directa de casos sin resolver del Departamento de Policía de Milwaukee al 414-935-1212.
Tips come in and the search goes on, but still there's no sign of the missing girl