Alicia “Mandy” Stokes
Having a family member go missing without a trace has to be one of the most heartbreaking experiences that a family can go through. When Alicia “Mandy” Stokes never returned from running errands on November 25, 2007, her loved ones were plunged into a nightmare. They didn’t know if she was safe; if she had harmed herself, or if someone had done something to her. As the days and weeks went on, their fear grew, and their tragedy was compounded when another member of her family emerged as the prime suspect in her disappearance.
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Mandy Stokes, please contact the Oakland Police Department 510-238-3641
Si tiene alguna información sobre la desaparición de Mandy Stokes, comuníquese con el Departamento de Policía de Oakland al 510-238-3641.
Amanda Stokes Missing In Oakland - Worked at Cafe De Bartolo on Grand Av
Homicide police join search for Oakland woman missing since Nov. 25
Disappeared - The Dark Ravine - Mandy Stokes (Amanda) on Vimeo