Cindy Song
In 2001, Hyun Jong “Cindy” Song was a bright and vivacious Penn State student just months away from graduation. On Halloween she went out dancing with friends, but in the early morning hours of November 1, something happened to Cindy Song, and she’s never been seen again. Cindy’s case is full of disturbing turns, including a possible sighting 200 miles away, her family fighting with investigators, and a possible connection to a serial killer operating in the area. Now, nearly 20 years later the question still remains, “Where is Cindy Song?”
8 years after Penn State student disappeared, case narrows to 1 active lead
Reddit - [Unresolved Disappearance] What Happened to Hyun Jong “Cindy” Song at Penn State?
Luzerne County case may yield information in 2001 Cindy Song disappearance
Reddit - Hugo Selenski and Steven Allen Martin: What else don't we know?