Richard Hoagland
Richard Hoagland was a successful family man who lived with his wife and two sons in a suburb outside of Indianapolis, Indiana. On February 10, 1993, he called his wife from work and told her he was sick and heading to the emergency room. He never came home again. For over 23 years, his wife Linda and their two sons wondered about his fate. But in 2016, a bizarre story emerged that proved Richard Hoagland wasn’t who they or anyone else thought he was.
He abandoned his family 25 years ago. Now Richard Hoagland owes them $2 million
The Scandalous Disappearance and Reappearance of Richard Hoagland
How Missing Indiana Man's Family Found Him Alive 23 Years Later - ABC News
Woman Horrified To Discover What Missing Ex-Husband Was Doing For 23 Years